#Work From Home.

Vicky Daniel
3 min readMay 28, 2021

In 2020, the world changed by the surprising arrival of covid -19. People were forced to lock themselves at home, the streets were empty, you may have seen the photo of animals came on the streets.

Ya!! That kind of empty.

There is panic everywhere, some hospitals are out of beds, in some places doctors are affected by the virus. It’s been a year and still, people are inside their homes because of the virus.

People are suffering from panic, stress…. but, the main question is, Is it because of Covid 19?

As you know it’s been more than a year since people have been working from home, or we can say

#WFH” ………….


When the covid knocked at our doors, most of the organizations has given consent to their employees that they can work from their home. Employees felt like the companies are thinking about their health, that’s why they told them to go home stay safe.

There were stages of this lockdown, you all have seen or faced.

Photo by Designnn.co on Unsplash

People have started creating their workspace in their houses and taking pictures and posting on Instagram with our one and only hashtag “#WFH”.

When I asked my friends how’s work from home is going on, they pointed at really minute drawbacks, like there are no physical moments, they’re where coordination issues with their teammates, etc.

But the main issue came from Working from home is, any guesses?

“I know, you know, and you know, they know”………..

Photo by Jade Scarlato on Unsplash

Working 24/7, companies have taken advantage of their employees to work for them more than the usual hours plus Saturdays and Sundays.

People thought that they can give their family more time while there are at working from home, but on the flip side they can’t even give that much time before work from home.

(A person gets up in the morning, he waits for a video call meeting after that he works whole day without a proper break because there are calls coming to check on the work, at the end of the day there is another call to tell them that ‘please work on Sunday’)

I have heard that some companies are threatening the employees that if they don’t work as per them they will get fired. Some employees are working on a half salary. What is happening to our work life.

Everywhere the news is people are getting affected because of covid, but the truth is, they are getting affected physically and mentally because of our work culture.

Please take this matter very seriously, we have to change our work culture.

We have to start this change today.

